All Montgomery and Howard classes are closed tonight 1.21.2025 due to weather!

Training for Adults

Stay Active and Learn Self Defense

In addition to our children’s martial arts classes, we offer a complete adult program as well.  Adults come to us with a variety of goals in mind and whether yours are to earn a black belt in martial arts, learn self defense or simply to get active in a welcoming community – We have something for you!

While the curriculum for our adult program is based on Tang Soo Do and Jujitsu along with concepts and techniques from other martial arts,  we also provide training designed to increase muscle strength, balance, fitness, flexibility, and mental awareness and focus. Students develop body awareness and self-confidence that extend beyond their martial arts and into everyday life.

Traditional modes of practice include:

  • Kata (forms) – Training patterns that teach the basic techniques and patterns of our system.
  • One-Step Sparring – Formal practice in the application of techniques against an actual attacker.
  • Jujitsu – Applying Jujitsu techniques including throws, joint locks, and strikes while defending against various grabbing attacks.
  • Free Sparring – Striking, blocking, and movement vs. an opponent in a controlled manner.

Our program also includes opportunities for competition, advanced training, as well as opportunities to explore other martial arts through seminars and guest instructors.

Your New Community

In addition to the huge physical and mental benefits students gain from our program, students become part of the TKA community .  We are a diverse school with students from a wide variety of backgrounds. We welcome everyone. Students develop life-long friendships, and entire families participate and encourage each other.  

TKA is a truly special family where students have become instructors, taught and promoted students over the years to become black belts, had children themselves,  and then have had their children instructed by the same black belts they promoted! Relationships often extend beyond classes and martial arts events to social gatherings and life events such as weddings. 


Visit a Class

Want to know more about martial arts but you aren’t sure where to begin?

You can start by checking out one of our classes where you can see students in action and meet one of our instructors!

With so many convenient locations, there’s bound to be one in your community.

Start your fun and rewarding journey today.


Contact Us

Give us a call during our office hours below or if it’s more convienient, just use the contact form to the right!

15918 Luanne Drive, Gaithersburg, MD 20898

(301) 840-9262

Tuesday and Thursday: 10:00 AM until 5:00 PM
Friday: 10:00 AM until 3:00 PM
Saturday: 11:00 AM until 2:00 PM
Closed: Sunday, Monday, and Wednesday

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